4. Should I be using Smallwiki 1 at all, or is
Smallwiki 2 stable enough
to use?
I am unable to answer the other questions, but I can tell that
SmallWiki 2 isn't stable enough for production. You might want to have
a look at the code to see what is coming and maybe to develop
extensions, but I would strongly de-courage to use it for your website
as long as it is not finished.
For the roadmap: I am going on holidays the coming 3 weeks and won't
have net access during that time, so it will be calm from my side. Then
there will be ESUG in Brussels, I'll be online again but I won't have
time to work on SmallWiki. Then, towards the end of August, I will will
be able to work again several days a week on the SmallWiki codebase and
will release a first version as soon as possible.
Appreciate it, I'll just keep grinding away till I get it smallwiki1
working. Can't wait for version 2 though.