Hi Lukas,
I am still struggling around with SIXX to store my
wiki-data. Sometimes
there are strange exceptions popping up, when loading from a stream,
but I think that I could identify the problem finally:
When streaming-out an object, SIXX does save the name
of the class, but not the namespace where this class
was defined in. When later loading, it does sometimes
take the wrong class to instantiate.
Oh... Sorry. I had noticed that there would be some problems handling
namespaced instances in SIXX. But I had no time to fix it and forgot.
I think this issue should be quite easy to fix,
because there is just
another attribute called 'sixx.environment' needed for each instance.
Other Smalltalk implementation, that do not have namespace could simply
ignore it and SIXX would be still dialect independent.
Yes. Actually it is easy to fix. I've now finished the beta namespace
Please try using the attached parcel. It seems to be working in both VW and
Squeak images.
Now SIXX has an option to select using namespace. To enable namespace
support, do it once "SixxSetting useEnvironment: true".
Here is an example:
| text1 text2 array |
SixxSetting useEnvironment: true. "just making sure"
text1 := XML.Text text: 'this is test'.
text2 := Core.Text fromString: 'this is test too'.
array := Array with: text1 with: text2.
sixxString := array sixxString.
sixxString inspect.
(Object readSixxFrom: sixxString) inspect.
Hoping this helps,
[:masashi | ^umezawa]