I tried to keep the syntax as simple as possible.
However there were
several requests lately for that kind of things. I don't really know,
how we could implement that the simplest without bloating the wiki-
syntax and while keeping the visitors small that transform the AST
into different output-formats (HTML, Text, Latex, etc).
The best idea I cam up so far is to add some sort of XML-Tags that
can be parsed in a generic fashion, so that extensions can register
their own tags. Something along ...
The time is now: <pier:smalltalk>Time now</pier:smalltalk>
Would that help? Is something like that of generic interest?
I like the idea of having the possibility to hook into the document
model without having to change the syntax/scanner/parser. Only this
makes it possible to combine several of these exentions. Dokuwiki uses
a very similar model for it's plugins:
I understand you want to keep the syntax as simple as possible but
still to differ extensions (or pulgings or whatever we will call them)
from normal XML markup I'd like to have a different syntax. Eg:
The time is now: [smalltalk]Time now[/smalltalk]
They would be parsed into an ExtensionNode or whatever. You could also
search the subclasses for the one with the correct tag (eg:
"indented") and instantiate this one directly instead of the
superclass (ExtensionNode).