Hi Hans and Lukas,
> - wie startet man dann automatisch im Image, z.B.
mit headless Squeak ?
You should create one storage process by hand:
Smalltalk at: #Server put: (SWKom startOn: 8080).
Server storage: SWImageStorage new.
Server storage delay: 60 * 5.
Then save the image and use a startup script config.st with something like
(you can put your config in here but be careful in using the storage:
message which will create many trouble causing storage processes over
Server stop.
Server port: 9002.
Server start.
Start the server on Unix via:
squeak -headless squeak.image file:///path/to/config.st &
> - Chris Burkert meint, der Squeak Port sei nicht
zu empfehlen, wie
> siehst Du das ?
The problem is, that I don't have the time to sync the squeak port with
the VW version any more. Besides this the current version is quite stable.
So if you want to have an up to date Smallwiki use the VW version. If you
can be happy with the squeak port ... use it!
If somebody likes to take the maintainership of the squeak port I would be
cheers Chris Burkert