Perhaps I am misunderstanding and solving a different problem.. but it
sounds like... **if** all of these instances actually store the date...
Seems to me the Parent instance #date methods should be accessed using
simple method accessors of a Magritte Date description. The tricky part of
model integrity should be logic of the instances of Parent and not
dependent on the Magritte description -- with myriad good reasons to make
exceptions. e.g. "I just need to meet the deadline or else i am fired!"
The tricky part, can be solved by either having the parent always push data
down (with direct wiring) or registering self as a dependent, or the
children as dependents; or the other major option is that of having the
children pull it on demand (e.g. ifNil: [ date := parent date]).
You probably want simple methods for your parent object that *push* the
date to children.
e.g. define something like...
self children do: [:child | child date: self date. ... ]
Whether you use #changed/#update/dependency-management or announcements, or
"direct wiring" with this approach is up to you.
If using #changed you would do something like this (as well as register
self as a dependent):
Parent >>date: aDate
date := aDate asDate.
self changed: #date.
and Parent >>
#update: aSymbol
self updateChildrenStates
*if* the child is registered as a dependent but has no handle to the
parent, implement:
Parent >>
update: aSymbol with: anObject
aSymbol == #date ifTrue: [ self date: anObject date ].
Or, if using "direct wiring"
Parent >> date: aDate
date := aDate asDate.
self updateChildrenStates. "or more specifically self
If on the other hand, the children are pulling, then they need a handle on
the parent to query lazily.
Good luck!
On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Sean P. DeNigris <sean(a)>wrote;wrote:
Thanks for the detailed response!
Cameron Sanders wrote
Is this a presentation problem/question or a
integrity problem/issue?
It's a model integrity issue. In my model parent objects hold a collection
of objects of mixed types that all have a date field which should be set to
the same value as parent's date, so e.g.:
- date: 1/1/2013
- toMany: {
- anObject
- date: 1/1/2013
- anInstanceOfADifferentClass (polymorphic wtr date access)
- date: 1/1/2013 }
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