This is really cool and works amazingly well!
For the integration you could add a Magritte extension method to
PRCase to change the Magritte component used to edit documents:
descriptionDocumentWysiwig: aDescription
^ aDescription componentClass: MyWysiwigComponent
On 14 July 2011 00:37, Nick Ager <nick.ager(a)> wrote:
I've been working on a Wysiwyg editor for Pier, (see attachment). It seems
to be in a useable state and I'd love to receive some feedback The editor
currently supports all the Pier markup I'm aware of, except tables. That
said not all markup is possible to create in wysiwyg mode, however the
editor aims to preserve all markup and allow editing of markup created in
wiki mode. For example annotated paragraphs can be created in wiki mode,
then edited in a Wysiwyg mode. Special Pier markup such as verbatim,
embedded links etc are shown and preserved in the Wysiwyg editor, but are
not editable.
To give it a spin, from a Pier image execute:
Gofer it
renggli: 'pier2addons';
package: 'Pier-Wysiwyg';
Then browse to /wysiwygtest and you should see a test editor, which allows
switching between wysiwyg and wiki editors with changes in either editor
being reflected in both editors.
The html parser walks the browser's DOM, and translates into Pier wiki
format. There's a set of tests for the parser, which can be loaded with:
Gofer it
renggli: 'pier2addons';
package: 'ConfigurationOfPierWysiwygEditor';
(ConfigurationOfPierWysiwygEditor project version: #bleedingEdge) load:
#('Core' 'Tests').
Then browse to /testwysiwgParser The tests are written in the Jasmine
Javascript test framework [1], so run in the browser.
I'm still trying to work out the best method to integrate into Pier. If you
want to try the editor within Pier modify:
PRDocumentDescription class>>defaultComponentClasses
^ Array with: PRWysiwygEditorComponent
I've yet to find a method to integrate with Pier without modifying at least
one Pier method. Any thoughts? Changing the above method also results in the
editor being visible blog comments, which in it's current state probably
isn't desirable.
Next steps:
- add support for preserving table markup
- add a preview tab
- support enabling/disabling depending upon user permission.
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...