I'm pleased to announce a new version of Magritte - Magritte 3. The
rational for Magritte 3 is eloquently described by Lukas in his mail below.
The work on Magritte 3 was started by Esteban and completed by myself.
I've created a screen-cast which describes:
the rational for Magritte 3
the refactorings available to ease the transition from Magritte 1 or 2 to
Magritte 3
A walk-through of updating a sample from Magritte 2 to Magritte 3.
The screen-cast is on vimeo at:
The sample used in screen-cast can be downloaded as:
Gofer it
url: 'http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/MagritteMagic';
package: 'ConfigurationOfMagritteMagic';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMagritteMagic) load.
The slides used in the screen-case can be viewed on slideshare at:
Great work, nice video. Very cool (and useful) to use the rewrite
engine to help porting.