Hi Dennis,
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 7:25 PM, Dennis Schetinin<chaetal(a)gmail.com> wrote:
It seems to be basics of Pier, but I still don't
understand them. If I have
my own PRCase child with custom viewComponentClass, can I embed (using ++)
it in another page, rendered the same way as at it's original position?
For instance, I have a Questionnaire and QuestionnaireView, which renders
(it's children) Polls using Vote command. How can I show this at the main
page of my site? Or how to do this some other (proper) way?
I'm not sure but I would try:
1) Implement a method #accept: in Questionnaire
Questionnaire>>accept: aVisitor
aVisitor visitQuestionnaire: self
2) Implement PRVisitor>>visitQuestionnaire:
PRVisitor>>visitQuestionnaire: aQuestionnaire
self visitCase: aQuestionnaire
3) Implement PREmbeddedRender>>visitQuestionnaire:
PREmbeddedRender>>visitQuestionnaire: aQuestionnaire
"do whatever you want with the 'html' instance variable and
'aQuestionnaire' questionnaire"
Damien Cassou
"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry