I have found it difficult to change the settings
descriptions for
existing components.
In case you are interested I added this to help
I don't know what you mean by changing the settings descriptions?
If you want to customize or disable descriptions from an extension
you can do it the standard way:
Foo class>>descriptionFoo (in the original package)
^ MADescription ...
Foo class>>descriptionFooExtension: aDescription (in your extension,
shares the same prefix as the original method)
^ aDescription changeSomething
PRWidget-readUsing: aDescription
^ self properties at: aDescription ifAbsent: [
self properties keysAndValuesDo: [ :k :v |
(k accessor selector = aDescription accessor selector)
ifTrue: [ ^v ].
(k label = aDescription label) ifTrue: [ ^ v ].
aDescription default yourself
SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Lukas Renggli