The squeak VM and the pharo VM use the same source tree, just at
different times
The Pharo VM uses the *latest* VM source tree which includes the
Closure logic.
When you take an image and make it Closure aware and save it, then it
becomes a image format of 6504, versus the older 6502.
When you build the squeak unix VM I think it uses an REALLY OLD source
tree. What you need to do is build a new VM source tree using
VMMaker and use the latest MC change set. Then replace the old source
tree with the new one you create out of VMMaker.
The macintosh platform tree see platforms/Mac OS/vm/Documentation/
readme.txt has some notes about building the macintosh VM using VMMaker
which might prove useful.
In you other note: "9 more failures without living at least 60 seconds
will cause job removal"
Something is causing the VM to die, then launchctl is restarting, but
too frequently and you're curtains.
I'd suggest creating a new unix vm from the latest VMMaker. Ask on
the vm-dev(a) if you can't get the process to
work for unix.
On 1-Aug-09, at 6:03 PM, Aaron Rosenzweig wrote:
Thanks John,
Actually I found that it didn't seem to matter much what the value
of LSBackgroundOnly was. Just starting up from the command line in
terminal with the option "-headless" was enough to have it come up
without a GUI (in OS 10.4 Tiger).
I went to:
Somehow my eyes missed the link to the pre-compiled unix binaries
for OS X. Thanks for alerting me that they are there, I see them
now. I guess because they weren't listed in the Mac section but in
the general unix section I glossed over them. Anyway, I downloaded
the unix source from there and compiled. Wow! it was really easy and
really fast. I passed the following line to configure before I
../platforms/unix/config/configure --without-quartz --without-x
after doing "make" and "make install" I ran the following to test it
out from the terminal first:
squeak -vm-display-null -vm-sound-null -headless /Applications/
Unfortunately I got hit with:
This interpreter (vers. 6502) cannot read image file (vers. 6504).
Press CR to quit...
You see, I downloaded the Pier one-click-install bundle from the
piercms website... as Pier is really the product I want to play with
most at this moment and I figure this image would be the most up to
date. But now digging under the covers it appears that maybe this
one-click install does not use true Squeak but the new "Pharo" VM?
Many thanks,
-- Aaron
John M. McIntosh <johnmci(a)> Twitter:
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.