Hello group,
I am planning to make a new image map component for pier. Does anyone know
of anything like this pre-existing? If not I need a little bit of help:
I want my Image map Pier component to be configured from the settings
command so I need to know how to use Magritte to build the GUI. My ideal
representation (at least that I have thought of so far) would be a
Dictionary. For every Coordinate string there is an image string (file
location) to go with it. It is a direct one to one, but the two members of
this relationship are both strings. And I want them to wind up getting
added to the dictionary. My preference would be that the ImageMap component
has a #addCoord:withImage: method that gets called for each entry.
I did not see how this could be done in Magritte from the tutorials or
source code. Anyone got any ideas?
Thanks in advance.