It looks like BOZipView is out of date:
- it implements renderContentOn: but this is never reached
- it misses the respondUsing: hook method that seems to be the preferred way to generate a
I tried to implement respondUsing: by copying from renderContentOn::
BOZipView>>respondUsing: aResponse
| archive |
super respondUsing: aResponse.
contentType: 'application/zip';
attachmentWithFileName: self book name , '.zip'.
archive := ZipArchive new.
self addLatexTo: archive; addFilesTo: archive.
archive writeTo: aResponse stream.
archive close
It seems to go in the right direction, but the issue is that GRPharoUtf8CodecStream does
not understand binary (a method needed by ZipArchive).
Again, binary should probably be implemented in the GRCodecStream, but I do not know how.
Any hints?
"It's not what we do that matters most, it's how we do it."