Thanks a lot for reviewing my code!
*) Template>>initialize refers to an undeclared
parent variable.
We are currently redesigning the Template part of SmallWiki and go for
a much simpler approach based on Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). There
are lots of open-source style-sheets (
around and every graphic designers might provide such a file to define
the look of the wiki. Also from the implementation point of view, this
approach seems to be much simpler.
*) The storage class seems to be linked to your
storage mechanisms
(image or
sixx files). Instead I would like to be able to store the pages into a
database. However, the default implementation of Storage doesn't really
support this (since it is dealing with a delay loop that just
the wiki every so many minutes).
There is a notification mechanism to let the storage know about what
changed in the wiki-tree. But you are right, I should probably add
another abstract-class called SnapshotStorage to make the hierarchy
look like:
So other Storage implementations liek XyzStorage not needing a delay
loop could just subclass Storage.
*) How difficult/easy would it be to change to a
WikiWorks syntax? --
wondering about converting existing wikis (e.g., the
Basically you would just need to write a Parser to be able to read the
WikiWorks syntax. As the original source string is not stored anywhere,
you would also need a visitor to render the document as WikiWorks
syntax, in order to be able to do a full round-trip. There is a old
comparison of wiki-syntaxes at As you see, they are all
about the same, so I think this would be a very easy to do.
Lukas Renggli