My mistake I was loading verything from our local store :( and you all
publish on the cincom one.
On 26 mars 04, at 16:57, stéphane ducasse wrote:
Hi david
I loaded the admin package:
- the postload action seems broken
Smallwiki.Advanced is needed
- then when I try to log I get: with admin/smallwiki I get an error
aHTTPRequest postData does not understand: postKeysAndValuesDo:
prepareRequestFields: aHTTPRequest
| fields |
fields := Dictionary new.
aHTTPRequest uri queryData keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
fields at: key put: value ].
aHTTPRequest isPost
ifTrue: [ aHTTPRequest postData postKeysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
fields at: key put: value value.
value contentType isNil
ifFalse: [ fields at: 'mime-' , key put: value contentType ] ] ].
So what can I do?