I am new to SmallTalk(Squeak) and Seaside/Pier. I am burning the
midnight oil and it's like drinking from a fire hose. But I am having
fun. :)
I have Squeak/Seaside/Magritte/Pier installed on 2 Debian Sarge Linux
box (home and work) and also on MacBookPro. I did the following on all
3 machines.
I had installed Seaside per the tutorial but I used the new seaside
installer again to pull in scriptaculous etc. I wasn't sure if this
was kosher but I assumed that the installer might be smart enough to
figure out already installed components. But the Magritte also asked
if it was ok install a newer Seaside2?
On Linux every thing worked just fine but on OSX, Pier (1.0.5-alpha)
did not ask about config options such as base url being /seaside/pier
etc. So Pier does not work and does not appear in seaside/config
Can some one explain if I am doing something wrong, or point me in the
right direction to configure Pier. Thank you very much.