Hi Raymond,
please ask your question concerning SmallWiki to the SmallWiki mailing
list. They will be usually answered quicker ;-)
1) How can I tell SmallWiki to use MacRoman encoding
never mind which
browser it runs in (for now it is Safari).
You can change the encoding from the web-interface by logging in as
admin, then clicking Admin | Components and editing the preferences of
Metatag Common, Encoding.
I have this problem with SmallWiki and never had it
with Swiki.
SmallWiki has been developed using VisualWorks, that uses different encodings.
2) How do you load an image (graphic) in SmallWiki and
does it support
the same set as Swiki or at least (GIF PNG JPEG).
SmallWiki will serve any kind of file, it doesn't matter what type it
is. For all resources having a mime-type with the pattern image/* it
will generate an image-tag. Other multimedia files (sound, video) will
trigger embed-tags, else just a normal link is generated.
On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 17:42:07 -0500, Raymond Asselin
<raymondasselin(a)sympatico.ca> wrote:
> I'm working on Mac OSX, SmallWiki run in a 3.7 image...
1) How can I tell SmallWiki to use MacRoman encoding
never mind which
browser it runs in (for now it is Safari).
I have this problem with SmallWiki and never had it
with Swiki.
2) How do you load an image (graphic) in SmallWiki and
does it support
the same set as Swiki or at least (GIF PNG JPEG).
> Thanks
Lukas Renggli