I've configured Pier with Security.
Lukas' Pier Unix Security?
The following refers to that package.
The system creates an admin user. How can I (1)
change the admin
user's password
You can send the message "password: aString" to the PUUser, that will
change it.
Some time ago I wrote a litte Command that allows users to change their
own password. If you want to have it, just mail me.
and (2) create additional users?
Create a new
u := (PUUser named: 'newName')
password: 'newPassword').
And add it to the users-Property of the kernel:
(myKernel propertyAt: #users) add: u.
It is the same for adding new groups to the kernel.
Each PUUser has a message "addGroup: aPUGrup", so you can place a user
into different groups.
Also, is there an easy way to walk the existing Pier
components and
set them all as owned by admin?
In the Wiki you have three commands "Change Owner", "Change Group"
"Change Other". Select the page you want to change from the tree (e.g.
the root page) and select "Change Owner". Check "Recursive" and
"Admin" from the Owner-Select-Box. As Operator you want to have
Finally you can specify the access to the different available commands
for that user.
Remeber: If a user is a Superuser, then he will be able to access all
commands, even those he is not allowed to acces by the security settings
for Owner/Group/Other.