Am 01.05.2011 um 17:46 schrieb Reza Razavi:
The following would be a starting point (not tested):
PRDistribution >> register: aString
PRKernel reset.
registerAsApplication: aString
kernel: self kernel
PRDistribution register: 'pier1'.
PRDistribution register: 'pier2'.
PRDistribution register: 'pierN'.
Each call to #register: (variant of exiting #register method) registers a different Pier
distribution. But, as far as I remember, they share all by default the same
'files' folder.
Calling register this way is not advizable. As you can see it does 'PRKernel
reset'. This will empty the instances on the PRKernel class side. You will end up
having multiple kernels attached to PRPierframes as handler but only the last one will be
attached to the instances of PRKernel. You're not able to e.g. select it from the
configuration panel in seaside anymore. Using it without the reset is indeed a good idea.
About the "files" folder. Pier uses Magritte and Magrittes MAExternalFileModel
has a class side setting for the directory and path to use. So you are right, having all
kernels in the same image means to share all files in the filesystem within the same
directory. But I don't think this is a problem. You can easily divide them afterwards
by having a visitor collecting the files for each kernel.
I did this in my gemstone pier exporter utility: .
At 16:50 29/04/2011, you wrote:
what would be suggested path if one wants to deploy few low traffic
Piers? All Piers in one image or one image per Pier?
Davorin Rusevljan
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...