Attempting to load SmallWiki2 into a virgin VW 7.2 commercial image
results in Store popping a Dialog stating that:
'SmaCC(1.3,brant) fails prerequisite test.'
if one breaks into the thread and walks back to:
getPrereq: reqName from: pundleList version: reqVersion for: aPundle
| pundle |
( pundle := self initialVersionOf: reqName fromList: pundleList version:
reqVersion ) == nil
ifTrue: [ ^pundle ]. "user cancelled selection"
[ ( pundle == nil or: [ aPundle checkPrerequisiteNamed: reqName
withVersion: pundle version
requiredVersion: reqVersion ]
) ifTrue: [ ^pundle ].
Dialog warn: pundle displayString, ' fails prerequisite test.' .
pundle := self selectPrereqVersionOf: reqName fromList: pundleList
version: reqVersion.
] repeat.
the <reqVersion> comes in as: '1.3Cincom' however there is no such animal
from what I can tell loaded into the repository.
If it is the latest that is desired it may work out best to not specify a
version and let users specify in their settings to auto-load the latest in
the case where version is not specified.
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 18:42:17 +0200, stéphane ducasse
<ducasse(a)> wrote:
Thanks lukas...
I will try to help.
On 19 juil. 04, at 17:58, Lukas Renggli wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I published a first version of SmallWiki 2 to Cincom Public StORE
> (SmallWiki2, 1.12, renggli). I hope it loads without troubles :/
> Don't expect much! And *don't use it on your production server*, the
> model might still change and I won't care about backward compatibility
> before reaching the final 2.0 version!
> Some of the consideration of the new implementation:
> - the model is completely separated from the view: e.g. there is a view
> based on Seaside and for demonstration purposes a very simple and buggy
> one on the trippy-inspector framework.
> - the model of the structure has been refined to allow better
> versioning, external storage, etc.
> - even better extensibility ;)
> - the model of the document and the parser has been improved to allow a
> more generic use of the entities: smilies, code are now possible within
> headings and links; links are now possible within headings, etc.
> - the parser tests have been improved and all the production rules are
> covered now.
> - the old model is easily transformable into the new one by writing a
> visitor (not proven yet, but I expect it to be very easy).
> I'm looking for any comments and feedback on the new implementation.
> I'm looking for people as well that are willing to help and/or comment
> in the following areas:
> - Improving the model.
> - Writing more tests.
> - Improving the Renderers: e.g. error-checking, more functionality,
> better user experience, etc.
> creating a nice userinterface.
> - Finish the existing but incomplete and add more subclasses to
> WikiComponent. Currently most of them are empty classes without any
> useful functunatliy.
> - Improving the trippy-inspector wiki, that is nice to use but
> currently badly implemented.
> - A SmallWiki 1 to SmallWiki 2 model convertor.
> Cheers,
> Lukas
> -- Lukas Renggli
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