Hi guys,
Nice to hear from you after a long time :)
Cookie mgmnt is not a Swazoo duty, it only provides all infrastructure
for it. You set a cookie by properly constructing a HTTPResponse.
Example from Aida:
AIDASite answerTo: aRequest
response := Swazoo.HTTPResponse ok.
response entity: <your html response>.
session cookie ifFalse: [response cookie: (self cookieHeaderFor: session)].
AIDASite cookieHeaderFor: aSession
"set a permanent cookie on client (up to year 2010, enough?) "
"for secure sessions different id as for usual ! "
| id |
id := aSession lastRequest isEncrypted
ifTrue: [aSession secureId]
ifFalse: [aSession id].
^(WriteStream on: String new)
nextPutAll: self cookieName;
nextPutAll: '=';
nextPutAll: id printString;
nextPutAll: '; path=/; expires=Friday, 01-Jan-2010 01:00:00 GMT';
In Aida I extended HTTPRequest with a method:
"return session id from our cookie. nil if not aida field present in
| stream part |
stream := self cookie readStream.
[stream atEnd] whileFalse:
[part := stream upTo: $; .
('aida9357*' match: part) ifTrue:
[^part readStream upTo: $=; upToEnd] ].
.. but event that hadn't been nessesary.
Lukas Renggli wrote:
sorry stef, I had to deal with some cookie bug from
Did you fix it and publish it on swazoo.This is important to report
this kind of bug to janko. Jankoi how do we proceed? should david
send you the fix?
Already a long time ago, I decided not to support cookies in SmallWiki
anymore. Still there are probably some deprecated messages dealing
with that, but I suggest not to cookies as they are generally not
worth the troubles. Therefor I suspect that the "cookie-bug" isn't a
problem with Swazoo but with SmallWiki ...
Janko Mivsek
Systems Architect
EraNova d.o.o.
Ljubljana, Slovenia