Tragic to fall at the last hurdle!
Just to let the world know how to switch persistence scheme
programmatically with the Pier-PersistencyManager loaded. This provides
the migration-between-schemes functionality, as well as the web-gui.
| kernel |
kernel := PRKernel instanceNamed: 'MyPierKernel'.
kernel persistency: (kernel persistency exportTo: PRMagmaPersistency new).
Unfortunately I think that the stack trace you provided was too short to
find out what component was broken.
I will have a go with the dev image myself over the weekend.
best regards
Dear Keith,
I followed the steps told by you. I had web -image of Damien Cassao.
While going through the steps told in Chapter 1, I executed from the
WorkSpace. There were a couple of errors, I went with proceed to see
where it stops.
It would be helpful to know what those errors were?