Then I saw that MADynamicObject does not implement
#copy (or
#postCopy) because it's a proxy and extends ProtoObject but sends it
to #realSubject. I don't think this is really wanted for
DynamicObjects. So the question is the usual one `Is the bug in my or
Lukas' code or do I just have tomatoes on my eyes'?
Yeah, that is probably a bug in my code since so far I never tried to
copy an MADynamicObject. I added a new test that shows the problem
(the proxy is resolved if copy it) and I fixed the problem.
As a general advice for all Magritte users I suggest to try to avoid
the use of MADynamicObject as much as possible, since this can lead
to very difficult bugs. Often you have got the possibility to
override #description on the instance-side of your model-objects and
return a copied description that you have modified according to the
Lukas Renggli