- Load
Smallwiki from Cincom Store
what version did you use? The last one I published is known to work
at least with VisualWorks 7.1 and 7.2 and Swazoo from that time.
I just loaded SmallWiki 1 (0.9.51,lukas) from CincomStore into
VisualWorks 7.4 and everything worked out of the box: no need to load
extra packages, no need to fix dependencies, etc.
Ok, there was a debugger popping up sometime during loading with an
unsatisfiable dependency: I just hit proceed and it worked.
TODO: create a correct bundle (don't know how to
do it for the
moment), or Smallwiki visualworks version can be considered as
I consider it as stable ;-)
I changed the blessing level to make people aware of the debugger.
Lukas Renggli