I think you've a copy of WikiServer, use the latest one and give it a
The other issue was the desire for Magritte to hand back the contents
of the file to seaside for downloading.
This might be fine on a server, but if you attempt to toss a 64MB file
on the iPhone you die, well it could
apply to a desktop machine if you move 500MB files.
The problem is
MAExternalFileModel>>urlFor: aRenderingContext
^ self baseUrl isNil
ifTrue: [ super urlFor: aRenderingContext ]
ifFalse: [ self baseUrl , '/' , (self location reduce: [ :a :b | a ,
'/' , b ]) , '/' , self filename ]
MAFileModel>>urlFor: aContext
^ aContext
urlForDocument: self contents
mimeType: self mimetype
fileName: self filename
See the "self contents" In WikiServer I changed that to
MAExternalFileModel >>urlFor: aContext
^ self baseUrl isNil
ifTrue: [aContext
urlForDocument: self
mimeType: self mimetype
fileName: self filename]
ifFalse: [ self baseUrl , '/' , (self location reduce: [ :a :b | a ,
'/' , b ]) , '/' , self filename ]
Other helper methods I had to add were
MAExternalFileModel>>asMIMEDocumentType: aMimeType
"for text documents we need to return the proper mime type aware
document otherwise we get UTF-8 errors
but for other document types we want a binary type"
self maintype = 'text'
ifTrue: [^self readStream asMIMEDocumentType: aMimeType].
^self readStreamBinary asMIMEDocumentType: aMimeType
"We make a StandardFileStream instance and set to binary, oddly
someone closes this later and re-opens as
text if we make a MultiByteFileStream then it starts streaming as
utf-8 which is a bad thing"
^ (self directory readOnlyStandardFileNamed: self filename) binary
FileDirectory>>readOnlyStandardFileNamed: localFileName
"Open the existing file with the given name in this directory for
read-only access."
^ StandardFileStream readOnlyFileNamed: (self fullNameFor:
On 19-Apr-09, at 11:03 AM, Lukas Renggli wrote:
> Ahh,
interesting. I wasn't aware of that, only that removing the
altogether has the same effect but also loses
control over the filename. That should solve at least the problems
when the file is served through Squeak/Seaside.
Thanks for the hint.
John M. McIntosh <johnmci(a)smalltalkconsulting.com>
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.