Just picked this one:
Then upgraded to *PharoCore1.0-#10517*, and the latest Seaside 3.0, and Pier
2 packages, including FFI, RFB, OS-Process, File-Kernel, etc. It took me
several hours :-(
Glad it worked, normally Pharo cannot be updated in an image that has
something else loaded but the core packages.
If the result could help somebody saving that time,
let me know to put the image+changes (~50 M°, unzipped) on a public server
for download.
There are always daily builds at <http://hudson.lukas-renggli.ch/>
with the latest Pharo, Seaside, Magritte and Pier code. We will soon
update the one-click image too (based on these builds).
Lukas Renggli