At 09:42 21/02/2010, you wrote:
I've fixed that as well.
Hi Lukas,
Please note that there are other minor rendering
issues since you added PRVerbatim. Here are two examples:
1) I had a blog post with html markups inside as
follows: <b>some text</b>. Before verbatim, I was
getting *some text* in bold as expected. Now, I get <b>some text</b>.
2) In my experimental distribution, I instantiate
a book with the following title in French:
book title: 'Maintien et développement de la qualité de l''enseignement';
Now, if I try to remove the book node, here is what happens:
2.a) *PRRemoveCommand >> confirmation* generates the following wiki string:
'!Do you really want to remove ''Maintien et
développement de la qualité de l''''enseignement''?
There are 8 child structures:
# */book/table-of-contents*
# */book/table-of-figures*
# */book/index*
# */book/introduction*
There is 1 incoming reference:
# */system/menu*
2.b) The above wiki text is parsed by
PRDocumentParser, but rendered verbatim, exactly
as above, and is not interpreted (specifically,
the internal links do not appear).
However, the issue disappears when I remove
*l''enseignement* from the title. It is then
certainly related to the double ' in that French word.