It might be in swazoo.
It would be good to track it down. you can contact janko the father of
he is really a friendly person.
On 10 mars 04, at 22:08, David Röthlisberger wrote:
Today I have encountered a really strange
problem, maybe you have a
explanation for this: Sometimes the redirection after saving a form
work. I inspected the response instance variable
of the action, but
the redirection is set up correctly (headers at: #Location points to the
correct url). I can't really reproduce this strange behaviour because
sometimes it works, but then next time the redirection fails, without
changing something in the code meanwhile... I observed this behaviour in
forms of the original SmallWiki as well as in forms that I built for the
forum. When the problem occurs, then I get only an empty white page
in the
browser. The URL is then the same as it was for the page with the form,
without an action parameter.
I further investigated this issue. It seems that this problem only exists
when I use Internet Explorer 6... If I switch to Mozilla or Netscape 7 or
Opera, I have never seen this behaviour again... I spent a lot of time to
find out why Internet Explorer doesn't unterstand sometimes the
I tried different header parameters for the response, for instance
Cache-Control: 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max_age=0,
post-check=0, pre-check=0' or also Pragma: 'no-cache' (HTTP/1.0) and
because it's known that Internet Explorer has sometimes problems to
understand the HTTP cache headers properly, but so far I haven't find any
solution for this issue. I also checked the other header parameter, but
without success.
I don't know if the bug is in these headers or in Swazoo Server or in
Internet Explorer... Strange.
Best regards