Lukas Renggli wrote:
Mewa does not support to let end users edit the
meta-model. Moreover
because it makes heavy use of blocks, it does not work if you want to
make your meta-model persistent. Though, if you just have a few
static forms it might be a good choice, but to give more hints you
need to elaborate your requirements.
I'll have to admit that I'm a bit lost in how to proceed with doing this
sort of cross-porting from one variant of ST to another as I'm a
relative ST newbie (only using ST for about 6 months). I took a look at
this again last night and I'm not convinced I know exactly how to
proceed and as to whether or not I could dig my way out of a hole if I
needed to (8->.
To that end, I guess I'll probably stick with my hand-coding a bit
longer until I feel more comfortable w/ ST cross-porting.
Thanks again..
-- Rick