I am planning to set up a simple wiki for personal use (noting my tasks,
thoughts, etc.) and maybe more. I decided to
use SmallWiki, as it seems to work really fine in practice
www.squeak.org is very nice). At first I tried Pier, but it
was a bit complicated for me, as I am not familiar with Seaside and I
really don't want to develop web applications. So
I downloaded the SmallWiki prepared image from
http://homepage.mac.com/jborden23/FileSharing3.html. Loading from
SqueakMap to 3.9 did not really work out (getting a dependency message
and after ignoring it getting another error on a
non-existing method in Monticello?). The prepared image is a Squeak 3.7
one and works just fine but I did run into
troubles when trying to configure SmallWiki. So here are some questions,
maybe you can help me:
1.) I don't really understand the difference between roles and users. If
I enter the wiki, I have automatically anonymous
role? Why can't I edit any page then?
2.) I tried to protect a page, that should not be viewable by other
users then admin. I executed the script I found in the
SmallWiki FAQ:
(server root at: 'Secret')
roles: (OrderedCollection
with: (BasicRole name: 'anonymous')) " this role has no permissions
but I could still access the page when I normally entered it without any login. Am I
doing something wrong?
3.) How can I remove actions (RSS for example) from the upper right corner?
I think that's pretty much it. I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance,