I suggest that
somebody that really needs them gives a try and
implements them cleanly. I have some ideas about that, but
unfortunately I don't have the time to do it myself.
Me neither. Maybe I have to do it soon because I use references
a lot and I don't think I can rip them out now.
Yes please.
Could you please provide some experience about your modeling with
Magritte? If you use automatic form generation you need to model
relationships, right? How do you model cases where objects reference
each other?
I rarely use relationships with Magritte. Pier, for example, doesn't
use a relationships, except maybe for the PRStructureDescription that
represents a link to a different page in the system.
For most (if not all) applications editors mostly consisted of a
bunch of basic input fields representing properties of one or more
domain objects. Relationships are mostly hand-coded in Smalltalk as
they require sophisticated navigation facilities that cannot be
modeled using a generic approach easily.
Lukas Renggli