The expression used to calculate the list of components is the
Array streamContents: [ :stream |
PRWidget allSubclassesDo: [ :each |
each isAbstract
ifFalse: [ stream nextPut: each ] ].
WAComponent allSubclassesDo: [ :each |
each canBeRoot
ifTrue: [ stream nextPut: each ] ] ]
In my image this results in:
{PRCommandsWidget . PRHeaderWidget . PRNavigationWidget .
PRPathWidget . PRReferencesWidget . PRTreeWidget . PRChildrenWidget .
PRSearchWidget . PRViewsWidget . PRTocWidget . PUSecurityWidget .
PRContentsWidget . PRXHtmlWidget . PUGroupsWidget . PUUsersWidget .
PUSystemWidget . PBPostTicker . WACounter . WAExampleBrowser .
WAFileLibraryExample . WAAllCanvasTests . WAAllTests .
WAMiniCalendar . WAMultiCounter . WAScreenshot . WAStore .
WAVNCController . WAVersionUploader . SUAllTests . PRPierFrame .
WADispatcherViewer . WADispatcherEditor . RRChangesDemo . RRDemo}
I get pretty much the same thing... a list like this (a bit different)
Maybe you have some other Seaside/Magritte/Pier code loaded that
provides a different search component?
Hmm, I don't think this is related, but when
I updated Pier before I
received your instructions on PRPierFrame initialize. I replied to
create a new kernel. That gave me two piers with the same name. In the
Pier Browser, they are both there. I'd like to get rid of the first
one. How can I do that.
PRKernel instances inspect
and then remove the one you don't want anymore. Note that if you have
an entry point defined in Seaside using the removed kernel, it won't
disappear from the Smalltalk image.
However, I don't see how this would be
No, that's certainly not the problem for the two search boxes.
Note that the Search Widget is one of the Widgets with two lives, one
when you have SULibrary (Scriptaculous) in your list of libraries and
one if no AJAX support is available. Depending on the mode it behaves
different, both modes work for me.
I have SULibrary loaded and when I removed it, the search worked! So,
progress. I have the latest Scriptaculous installed. Anything special
about Pier in regard to this?
brad fuller