Chad Nantais a écrit :
What's the best way to have an MAFileDescription
upload save the
MAFileModel contents to the filesystem instead of the Squeak image.
I'm talking about image mimetypes in this case, which I will be
serving with a seperate Komanche instance and I don't want them
bloating my Squeak image.
I just did a command this morning that allows the user to upload a file
and place it to a given directory.
There is some odd things but it works.
PRCommand subclass: #PRUpload
instanceVariableNames: 'file destination directory'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Pier-Model-Command'
^ destination
PRUpload>>destination: aString
destination := aString
^ file
PRUpload>>file: aMAFileModel
file := aMAFileModel
super doValidate.
(FileDirectory default directoryExists: self destination)
ifFalse: [MAError raiseSignal: 'Destination does not exist'].
directory := (FileDirectory default directoryNamed: self destination).
(directory fileExists: self file filename)
ifTrue: [MAError raiseSignal: 'A file with the same name already
exist. Please rename the file!'].
self writeFile.
|stream |
stream := self file contents readStream.
(directory putFile: stream named: self file filename)
ifFalse: [MAError raiseSignal: 'An error occurred while trying to
create a file with the given name in the destination folder!'].
PRUpload class
instanceVariableNames: ''
PRUpload class>>descriptionDestination
^ (MAStringDescription auto: #destination label: 'Destination'
priority: 200 default: 'resources')
PRUpload class>>descriptionFile
^ (MAFileDescription auto: #file label: 'File' priority: 100)
PRUpload class>>isAbstract
^ false
PRUpload class>>label
^ 'Send a file'
Damien Cassou