In the custom render method you can use Magritte to generate a
read-only view of the fields, try something
html table: [
aStructure description do: [ :each |
(each isEditable and: [ each componentClass notNil ])
ifTrue: [
html tableRow: [
html tableHeading: each label.
html tableData: [
(each componentClass memento:
aStructure description: each)
renderViewerOn: html ] ] ]
] ]
This way it ignores pier syntax including all the 'special' symbols in
text... I can't understand how to fix it?
I played a little bit more with Pier and understood this question was
somewhat stupid...
My current idea is the following... For my site I have to do again and again
the same thing: render all the 'details' of the current object and then
render 'overview' of it's children. So, considering the 1-st part (details)
I'd like to tag some fields as details of the object. So I implemented
according methods (*#isDetail*, *#isDetail:*, *#beDetail*) in *MADescription
*. Then I want create DetailedCase as a subclass of *PRCase *and override
there *#accept: *
DetailedCase >> accept: aVisitor
aVisitor visitDetailedCase: self
In *PRViewRenderer >> visitDetailedCase: anObject* I want to visit every
property (is it correct term?) of *anObject *described as detail...
*but I can't understand how i can do it... can I get a property of object by
description (or vice versa)?*
I expect to get all the details about anObject properly presented on the
page this way. Am I right?
Dennis Schetinin