I need something like that for events in ICalMagritte
either duration or end has to be nil. I define a condition on
the object
(event) like this:
MACondition subclass: #ICMEventCondition
value: aCheckedMemento
^(self endOf: aCheckedMemento) isNil
or: [ (self durationOf: aCheckedMemento) isNil ]
endOf: aCheckedMemento
^aCheckedMemento cache at: ICEvent descriptionEnd
durationOf: aCheckedMemento
^aCheckedMemento cache at: ICEvent descriptionDuration
ICEvent class >> #descriptionContainer
^super descriptionContainer
addCondition: ICMEventCondition new labelled:
ICMEventCondition defaultLabel;
There are probably better ways but this works nice for me.
Any chance you know or where to hook Magritte to customize the output of the
errors. Required Errors for example, if I don't like the default message,
can I change it? What if I want the errors to show beside the fiels of the
error, is that possible?
Ramon Leon