Please, to the Pier list, this has nothing to do with Seaside 3.0 release!
2. You should not #call: from anywhere within the
command execution of
I don't call from within the command execution of Pier either (I'll send a
short email to the Pier mailing list to explain this).
Yes, it is.
Both #onAnswerCommand: and #onChangeContext: are in the middle of Pier
specific command processing. They should not be interrupted, suspended
and (multiply) resumed at a later point in time by a #call:. This is
not supposed to work.
To see the exact issue that I talk about, please just
change the following:
PRContentsWidget >> onChangeContext: aContext
super onChangeContext: aContext.
self call: WAFlowConvenienceFunctionalTest new
No change is necessary in #onAnswerCommand:.
Then, if you point your browser to
http://localhost:8080/pier, you should
get that Seaside error.
My goal has basically been to clarify whether that's an expected behavior in
Seaside 3.0 or a bug?
FYI, I just double checked with the current distribution of Pier (Pharo0.1,
Latest update: #10374), which looks like still based on Seaside 2.8, and the
above change doesn't raises an error. On the contrary, the WAFlowTest
application (that replaces WAFlowConvenienceFunctionalTest, since absent
from that image) is launched and looks like working OK (although I perfectly
believe you that this may have its own *internal* issues, as you described
seaside-dev mailing list
Lukas Renggli