Super! I understand you can't compete alone. But
possibly if we
an issue tracker with things that the community would like to see in a
Pier distribution so that we have a target to work towards. Then
by little we can improve Pier to where Pier can be a top contender in
the CMS marketplace. At least so that those of who choose Smalltalk
use the tool of our choice and be able to justify it to any PHB as
necessary. :)
Seaside, Magritte and Pier all use the bug tracker of Squeak:
Select the project 'Squeak Package' and choose Seaside, Magritte or
Pier as the category.
To make the
out-of-the-box experience of Pier (especially for those
not knowing Smalltalk and Seaside) quite some work is required.
It would be nice to start learning what those areas are from those
experienced in both. Hopefully start adding them to the above issue
Please report bugs and other issues there. Or just commit your
enhancements to the code repositories, there is public write access
And then there is the laundry list of features in
Plone 3.
That's a nice feature list. I don't think we are too far away from
that ...
How does Pier compare when looking at these items?
Quickly scanning through the list I identify the following features
as already present:
- LiveSearch
- Human-readable URLs
- Powerful page editor (but that could still be improved)
- Flexible navigation and always-updated site maps
- Adjustable templates on content
- Powerful standard content types
- Content is automatically formatted for printing
- Standards-compliant XHTML and CSS
- Accessibility compliant
- Pervasive RSS feed support
- Rich ecosystem of free add-on products
- Cross-platform
- Microformat support
- "Hot backup" support
- Cut/copy/paste operations on content
- Always-updated table of contents
- Portlets engine
- Wiki support
- Support for the search engine Sitemap protocol
- Support for multiple mark-up formats
- Easy collaboration and sharing
Things like the following points are extremely easy to implement:
- Link and reference integrity checking
- Automatic previous/next navigation
All the points related to versioning require a minor re-design of
some internal data structures. That kind of stuff was already present
at some point in the past, but got lost in the process because I was
not satisfied with the implementation:
- Working Copy support
- Versioning, history and reverting content
- etc.
Other stuff is a bit more complicated, but I don't see anything that
wouldn't be possible to add within a couple of hours or days of
development effort.
Lukas Renggli