Hi Orla,
I sometimes have problems stopping the smallwiki
I have a testcase with the following:
| aServer |
aServer := SmallWiki.SwazooServer startOn:8080.
.. my code ...
aServer stop.
What do you think the problem could be?
What kind of problem? It doesn't stopp? You get an exception?
The only problem I can think of right now, is that there might be other
instances of the web-server running on port 8080. Especially if your
test fails, the server is never stopped. So I suggest either using
TestResources or the #setUp and #tearDown facilities of TestCase to
start and stop it.
To stop any servers that you lost the references to, the following code
snipped might help:
SmallWiki.Server allInstances
do: [ :each | each stop ]
Lukas Renggli