First let me assume that WAKomEncoded is what I should be starting, versus WAKom ?
Us old Smalltalkers remember starting WAKom so in WikiServer startup that is what happens.
I *guess* it really should be WAKomEncoded?
So what's the fall out, I mean I can stuff UTF8 chars into PRPages... Happy Happy.
Well not quite, I got a support email out of South Korea that the UTF8 character that was
entered for the
Page title was being mangled. In fact if they use the *wrong* character the app would hang
as it's loading
from binary storage to instantiate the PRPage.
In looking at this it turns out that because WAKom is used, the UTF8 data from the request
is being passed
as a String into PRStructure (instance var name). Later lazy initialization is used to
populate title
"Answer the title of the receiver, essentially the name but starting
^ title ifNil: [ title := self name capitalized]
Now here is the bad part, the capitalized runs Character>>asUppercase which actually
is kinda unicode aware
so it's attempting only to deal with wide characters but since the UTF8 character is
multiple bytes in a String then it mangles
the first byte to uppercase thus destroying the meaning of the UTF8 sequence.
However now if I restart with WAKomEncoded the squeak to utf8 process then messes the
UTF8 data that was
stored in the binary data file.
So thoughts on how to fix things when I load the PRPages from storage, and what fields
would need fixing are welcome
John M. McIntosh <johnmci(a)> Twitter: squeaker68882
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.