This is the
reason why I decided to render the whole document body as
HTML into its own namespace. My reader displays the page in-lined in
the browser-window and I think it is very convenient. Readers that
cannot handle HTML should ignore that section, but obviously this can
be a problem because the code inside
<content:encoded><![CDATA[ ... ]]></content>
That's not the issue. The issues are:
1) You need to declare the <content> namespace at the top of your doc
- like this:
thanks for the hint. I'm not very much into XML and didn't know about
this, I just copied some code I found on the web and tested it with a
few clients. The current SmallWiki fixes the issue and I updated the
also, the content:encoded section should really be on
it's own, not
inside <description>
As a matter of fact this had never been the case.
is not
guaranteed to be valid XML as SmallWiki users can put (wrong)
HTML code manually inside any page. Anyway, I don't know what to do
on this issue? I thought that XML-Parsers will ignore anything inside
<![CDATA[ ... ]]>, but obviously this is wrong or I am doing
something wrong with the encoding of the CDATA?
No, just the wrong wrapping. Check it out at
Cool, it validates now without problems:
Lukas Renggli