Since reference descriptors aren't working yet,
I'm wondering how I
can fake it manually. Is there a way to take several objects and
combine their descriptions and then generate a component from
that? Currently if I ask for (anOrder description, anOrder address
description) asComponent, I get an editor for the descriptions
rather than the instances.
Yes, that is possible:
combined := obj1 description , obj2 description.
Probably you need to modify the description of the referenced object,
somehow like this (untested, just quickly put together):
combined := obj1 description , (obj2 description
collect: [ :ea |
" change accessors of obj2 go trough the selector
#reference that is called on obj1 "
ea accessor: (MACascadeAccessor
accessor: (MASelectorAccessor
selector: #reference)
next: ea accessor) ].
Hope this helps,
Lukas Renggli