Hi Lukas & Charles,
Many thanks for your replies. I should have said in my original message
that I tried SmallWiki 1 on VisualWorks.
This is a personal web site, so there is no significant load, and I'm trying
to avoid having to deal with Apache. :-)
Using VisualWave to serve up files seems like a good idea. I had a quick
look, but couldn't see any native ability to do this. Charles, is this
something you wrote yourself?
It looks like moving to SmallWiki 2 is the way to go. However the latest
version (1.18) is described as "Broken" in the Cincom Store, and Charles
indicated that stability is a problem, so it sounds like I'll stay with what
I've got for the moment and keep an eye on the list to see when SmallWiki2
settles down.
Thanks again,