This is just
when you load a newer version of SmallWiki 2 into the
current development version. Please note that the development
versions are not always backward compatible and that in some cases
(like this one) you need to reinitialize your model.
So, the only thing I had to do is to modify the field in the
instance ?
Your fix is a bit strange, because not all instances of a link want
to be embedded. This will certainly lead to problems as soon as the
renderer takes care about this new property. It is probably better to
use false as a default instance, but then it will break the environment.
So if you really don't want to drop your existing model instances and
migrate to the latest version I suggest to do something along the lines:
SW2Link allSubInstancesDo: [ :e |
e instVarNamed: 'embedded' put: false ].
SW2SeasideFrame initializeEnvironment.
Lukas Renggli