Hi Cédrick,
- will it be good to have something like a nested
(MANestedContainer ??). I have to represent event and according to
the type of event (human or natural), the option list is different.
How to you do that ? using a nesting container (that doesn't exist
yet) or using two descriptions with maybe a MADynamic object for
the second description linked to the first one...
we have built a nested list at netstyle.ch using Magritte: the model
is basically a tree where you have to select one of the leaves. The
GUI looks like the column-view of the finder in OS X. Is that what
you want? Else maybe the OneToOneRelationshipDescription with
different classes could be a possibility?
- second point, I will probably need to represent a
measurement (with a unit or an intensity). Units or descriptions of
intensity can be different according to what is measured. So here,
what would you do ? using nested description ? What about creating
a MAMeasurementDescription but if so, will it be a subclass of
MAElementDescription and then MAMagnitudeDescription or will it be
a subclass of MAContainer or even of MADescription ?
The first thing you need is probably the model, what is presumably a
subclass of Magnitude. Then you can code (like MANumberDescription) a
new description for your model. I once did something similar at
netstyle.ch for currencies.
Lukas Renggli