I've been writing a couple of Pier components, let's call them
StructureA and StructureB (both subclassed from PRStructure), and each
has a corresponding view (answered by #viewComponentClass), ViewA and
ViewB (subclassed from PRDefaultView).
Now I find I want to embed a 'B' inside of an 'A', so that ViewB gets
rendered inside of ViewA.
I've added a StructureB instance as a child of the StructureA instance.
What I can't figure out is, from within ViewA>>renderContentOn:, how do
I go about getting hold of an instance of ViewB, so that I can pass it
as an arg to "html render: ... " ?
(I could instantiate ViewB myself, but presumably I would at a minimum
have to set the context ivar to something, but I know not what.)
Or am I going about this the wrong way?
Nick Brown