On 03.01.2011, at 12:11, Hilaire Fernandes wrote:
Pier looks neat and feature complete.
I looked at the FAQ and found the indicated path to managment tool
|(those starting with /environment/|) to be obsolete with verison 2.0 of
Pier, it will be helpful for the beginner.
In newer pier installations the environments are below /system/templates
I have tried for more than a hour to change this
"What's new?" things on
the right of a default Pier setup. Is it a blog or so? I can not even
add article to it?
"What's new" is part of a template/environment. To work this out properly
and reliable you can do the following: Go to the blog page where you can see the
"What's new". Then press the "Settings" command link. There is an
entry for environment. Either there is a path indicating which template it uses or it is
empty which means the environment is inherited from the parent page. So you need to check
the settings all the path up to the root until you find an entry in the environment
settings. If you've found one then navigate to the path and press "Edit". Et
voilĂ you can should see the "What's new" somewhere in the template.
hope this helps,