Hi Bruce,
Thanks for the suggestions.
localhost:8008 gives me a Welcome to Seaside webpage with option to browse
the Dispatcher list. The Dispatcher list doesn't include pier.
localhost:8008/pier doesn't work. Neither does localhost:8008/seaside/pier.
I tried PRDistribution register. I got an MNU error.
I tried the above on a new One-Click Pharo 1.1.1 with freshly loaded
Production Seaside3.0, Magritte2.0 and Pier2.0. Still no joy.
PRDistribution comes with Pier addons. With the base Pier you can register a
dispatcher with:
PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel named:
If you want to download the addons try:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2) project latestVersion load:
you can then register a dispatcher with:
PRDistribution register.
Hope this helps