Regarding the FileDirectory-related changes it looks like some FileSystem code is sneaking
into the Pier-FileUpload-Common-Wysiwyg .. I wouldn't think that FileSsystem code
would be considered "Common" ... if it _is_ considered common, then I guess we
will have to make a gemstone specific branch of the package ...
Nick, what do you think?
Dario, I'm looking into your final issue now ...
----- Original Message -----
| From: dtrussardi(a)
| To: "magritte-wiki" <smallwiki(a)>
| Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 8:17:22 AM
| Subject: Upload file image for Pier 3.0 into Gemstone environment
| Ciao,
| i test the Pier 3.0 into a Gemstone environment.
| I load the 3.0.3 [ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns] and all seems loaded
| properly.
| I configured the default pier instance adding the
| NAFileUploadConfiguration
| and setup the relative Uploaded files path root
| to the directory on the server for save the image.
| After login in the pier instance in the traditional mode ( not with
| pier-admin )
| i can update one pier page.
| When i work with the image support the system don't work fine.
| I need to change the:
| PRFileUploadWysiwygEditorBase createUploadedFilepath : method with
| the code between ******
| createUploadedFilepath: filename | pathroot currentStructure
| structurePath destinationDirectory pathRootNoTrailingSlash |
| pathroot := self application fileuploadPathRoot. currentStructure :=
| self context structure. structurePath := currentStructure
| absolutePath copyReplaceAll: '/' with: GRPlatform current
| pathSeparator . pathRootNoTrailingSlash := (FileDirectory on:
| pathroot) pathName. destinationDirectory := FileDirectory on:
| (pathRootNoTrailingSlash, structurePath). NAExternalFile
| ensureDirectoryExists: destinationDirectory pathName.
| ********
| "^ (destinationDirectory / filename) pathName"
| ^( FileDirectory on: (destinationDirectory fullNameFor: filename))
| pathName
| *********
| With this change the image is save in the specific directory on the
| server.
| Anyone ( if this change are considered right ) can update the
| relative package ?
| I have some problem relative to the web request for the image.
| For now the request
| <img alt="Pizzaflash.jpg" src="/pier/about/pizzaflash.jpg">
| don't work.
| My thoughts, my goal is that the image is manage directly by the
| Lighttpd or Apache web server
| not read by Gemstone environment and response with:
| PRFileView
| respondUsing: aResponse
| | file |
| file := self context structure file.
| aResponse
| binary;
| cacheForever;
| contentType: file mimetype seasideMimeType;
| headerAt: 'Content-Disposition' put: 'inline; filename="' , file
| filename , '"';
| nextPutAll: file contents;
| respond
| Any consideration is welcome.
| Thank,
| Dario
| _______________________________________________
| Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...