oh... another question. Anyone run a "forum"
in Pier?
I know of no forum add-on for Pier.
An early version of Pier (SmallWiki) had a forum component. I don't
know if it still works on the latest version, probably not. I'll
forward this mail to the developer of the code, maybe he can give you
some pointers on how to get at least the version ...
SmallBB isn't really a
forum component for SmallWiki 1. The very first
version was designed like that, but then we decided to make SmallBB
independent of SmallWiki by using Seaside as its backend instead of
SmallWiki 1. So you can use SmallBB independently of SmallWiki 1 (and of
course Pier), but you cannot directly use this forum as a component for
SmallWiki 1 or Pier.
SmallBB is available for VisualWorks on the public Cincom Store, there's
no version available for Squeak. It's also based on an older version of
Seaside, so a migration to Squeak and to current Seaside would require
some work. Even more work is required to implement SmallBB as a forum
component for Pier.
If someone wants to do that, I'm willing to help, but I don't have any
plans to do such an implementation myself.
Kind regards,