Magma-Pier documentation
Magma provides a virtually transparent persistency mechanism, in which
the application, in this case Pier, need hardly be aware of the fact
that not all of the objects which it uses are kept in memory all of the
time. As far as Pier is concerned Magma will stub out objects in memory,
and load them in, a process termed reifying, or reification, as needed,
entirely transparently.
Pier provides very controlled access to its model, including awareness
of persistency issues, so it makes sense to make use of this in the
Pier-Magma integration.
However, Pier will have to curb its tendency to traverse its entire
model for some of its operations (e.g. page removal) in order to play
sensibly and scalably in a Pier-Magma installation.
The Database Structure
The root of the Magma database is an instance of PRMagmaRepository. This
is a minimal root object designed with the intention of being able to
merge with root objects from other projects. For example GJallar will
have a root object of its own. To adopt or merge with Pier's
requirements, all that is needed is for their root object to have an
accessor #pier, onto a standard Dictionary.
PRMagmaRepository is a subclass of PRObject, and so has properties by
default, if you can think of a reason or need to use them they are there
but they are not currently used.
When running Seaside-Magma-Pier, the aforementioned Dictionary in the
root of the database is directly available from the Seaside session via
the convenience method #pierPersistencies. (in the latest version,
previously it was just #pier)
"session pierPersistencies", yields a dictionary of, PRMagmaPersistency
instances, keyed by PRKernel name, so to obtain the PRKernel instance of
your choice:
(session pierPersistencies at: 'MyPier') kernel
This does the job fairly logically.
ReadStrategies in Magma-Seaside
The root object of the repository also provides the Magma read strategy
for the repository via #buildReadStrategyOn: . A ReadStrategy tells
Magma how many objects to load in simultaneously.
For example, in Pier we tell Magma to reify all of the objects in a
PRDocument structure in one database access/hit, since we will need them
all to display or process the page. For more details about the Pier
read strategy see below.
This functionality, whereby the root object supplies the database
read-strategy, is provided in WAReadStrategyDefault as a standard way of
providing a read strategy for seaside applications in the package
There is an alternative WAMagmaReadStrategyWithLogging which provides
some logging features, and this can be selected in the application
configuration by over-riding the 'read strategy' setting. Logging is
invaluable in fine-tuning Magma read strategies.
Magma and Seaside Sessions
Since Pier manages its own model locking, it is perfectly ok to share a
single Magma session between all seaside sessions. This functionality is
provided by WAMagmaSharedSession.
Other Seaside applications (Gjallar again!) have more complex
arrangements using session-pools, but the basic WAMagmaSharedSession
provided in the Magma-Seaside package is fine for Pier.
When running using WAMagmaSharedSession a single Magma session is opened
for each application (#obtainMagmaSession), and is available from the
seaside session via #magmaSession. The root of the database from the
magmaSession obtained via #root.
The Pier-Magma package defines the convenience method #pierPersistencies
as already mentioned.
Pier-Magma Integration
The model locking performed by Pier is handled by the persistency
scheme, PRPersistency and its subclasses. The default #execute: method is:
PRPersistency-i-#execute: aCommand
self mutex critical: [ self apply: aCommand ].
The change required to support Magma is minimal:
PRMagmaPersistency-i-#execute: aCommand
self mutex critical: [ self session commit: [ self apply: aCommand ] ]
Thats it!
What is In memory vs What is in the DB
When using PRMagmaPersistency, the master list of PRKernel instances,
kept in PRKernel-instances, contains a 'stub'. This is an instance of
PRKernel, having #persistency as an instance of PRMagmaPersistency (also
a stub), but no data, i.e. #root is nil.
Whenever Pier wishes to obtain the real object, which is in the
database, it calls, #realize on the stub, which calls #realizeKernel on
its (stub) PRMagmaPersistency, returning the real PRKernel object, with
a non-nil root, from the database. The real PRKernel object, also has a
real #persistency, which is what is used to perform commands and logging
[The model locking mutex which is used at present is the one in the
persisted PRMagmaPersistency, if this causes problems, then it will be
possible to use the mutex in the memory resident (stub)
PRMagmaPersistency instead].
Behind The Scenes - Saving The Model
Before persisting some objects, Magma calls #maPreserialize.
[ I am warned that this approach may be deprecated in the future! -- kph ].
This is used:
1) to remove the mutex from PRPersistency
(Disabled at present. The mutex used to be in PRKernel and was lazily
initialized, so removing it before persisting was fine, it would just be
reinstated when next used.
If it becomes necessary to re-enable this, then we will have to see
about asking Lukas to lazily initialize the mutex once more)
2) To remove any decorations of PRChildren if they are empty. The
current model implementation should not be creating empty PRChildren
decorations anyway, but this is just in case.
3) Context's are tidied up before they are persisted. Properties are
removed, and commands are copied, and command's answers are copied. This
is to support logging.
Behind the scenes - loading the model
This is the read strategy that Magma-Pier uses at present:
strategy minimumDepth: 0;
"forVariableNamed: 'pier' onAny: PRMagmaRepository readToDepth: 2
forVariableNamed: 'kernel' onAny: PRPersistency readToDepth: 1;
onAny: PRKernel readToDepth: 1 ;
forVariableNamed: 'decorations' onAny: PRDecorated readToDepth: 1;
forVariableNamed: 'title' onAny: PRStructure readToDepth: 1;
forVariableNamed: 'children' onAny: PRChildren readToDepth:
(self readPathSkeletonInOneHit ifTrue: [ 1 ] ifFalse: [ 0 ]);
onAny: PRDocumentItem readToDepth: 1; "reads all page items in
one hit"
onAny: PRComponent readToDepth: 1;
If the flag #readPathSkeletonInOneHit is set, Magma, realizes all of the
tree of objects necessary to resolve a url-path, in one database access
cycle/hit. Depending upon other settings, this data may remain in
memory. Otherwise, resolving a url-path occurs one level at a time.
As you would expect the items required to display a page, are loaded in
one hit.
The ideal situation would be to have a path lookup cache which can
perform the path look-up in one hit, and possibly obtain the whole page
data in the same hit. This should be relatively straight forward, using
an indexed MagmaCollection.
The logging implementation used in PRImagePersistency has changed since
the Pier-Magma integration was written, and so it follows the previous
It stores a snapshot of the original data-structure, together with a
collection of the context/commands that are applied to it.
(it probably isnt working as intended at the moment, review required)
feedback comments to keith_hodges(a)