Hi thomas
Can you explain to use what is the model used.
Do you save a page in XML each time an action is done?
How do you structure the page folder?
How do support embedded resources?
Thanks for this work this is something that was missing to SW1.
BTW did you write some tests?
if not I STRONGLY suggest you to read
By the way in SW2 lukas multiply by three the numbers of tests to
increase the ease to spot bugs and
port SW to other dialects.
About tests think why so many people ported Unit frmeworks to all the
languages you can find on
or why lukas would be losing his time to write so much tests.... ;)
I say to my students:
if you are good and what you develop is important for you
if you want to go fast
if you do not have time to lose.....write tests
On 5 sept. 05, at 11:30, Thomas Fröb wrote:
We as impara have implemented an external storage for the SmallWiki
1. I developed it in Squeak using a 3.8 image and the newest
version of SmallWiki 1 (SmallWiki-chbu-0.9.53-sam.20, Monticello
Repository: 'http://kilana.unibe.ch:8888/smallwiki1').
I'm new to squeak and the code might not be very clean. I would be
glad about comments and suggestions for improvement.
I have loaded the package to the monticello repository 'http://
kilana.unibe.ch:8888/SmallWikiEnh'. You need the YAXO XML-Parser to
run the extension (Monticello Repository 'http://kilana.unibe.ch:
You can also download a complete image from
I already have ported contents from 2 SmallWikis (older versions)
from a 3.7 image to a 3.8 image with the newest SmallWiki version.
For further information and how to use the Storage I made a readme
entry on the wiki for the SmallWikiEnh project on
squeaksource.com .